IN. Yevtushenko “Methods of modern hypnotherapy”

Hypnosis is an ancient art that still excites the imagination of many. The head of the Hipnose Center in Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine) Psychotherapist Vitaly Yevtushenko wrote a book that is at the same time a historical review, a working manual, and a catalog of methods of suggestion. From innovative to the most traditional.

Hypnosis is an ancient art that still excites the imagination of many. The head of the Hipnose Center in Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine) Psychotherapist Vitaly Yevtushenko wrote a book that is at the same time a historical review, a working manual, and a catalog of methods of suggestion. From innovative to the most traditional. Here you can even find instructions for the correct compilation of conspiracies: “Seekhar methods … are surprisingly similar in all corners of our planet, and this indicates that, having gone through difficult trials of time and mistakes, people came to exactly the same conclusions”. Particular attention is paid to the method of Milton Erickson and the work of his followers: D. Grove, e. Rossi and others.

Psychotherapy, 379 with.

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